Do you feel like your smile prematurely ages you? It’s not necessarily a bad thing to appear wise beyond your years, but if you think your happy grin looks more tired and withered, you might feel compelled to hide your pearly whites from onlookers. The last thing you want is for people to think you’re falling asleep mid-conversation!
As the name implies, cosmetic dentistry can enhance your aesthetics, specifically concerning your teeth. And, yes, it can help you appear younger! Here are some treatment options that can put the vim and vigor back into your expression.
Teeth Whitening Eliminates Stains
While perfectly fine colors on their own, yellow and brownish hues tend to make ivory shades appear tarnished. That’s fine for notebooks that are going for an antique aesthetic, but you probably don’t want stained-looking teeth! A teeth whitening treatment effectively lifts the discolored pigments from your teeth, and refreshes them with a stunning, snow-white brilliance.
Dental Veneers Conceal and Dazzle
Dental flaws like chips, cracks, and uneven shaping can also darken or distort your look, especially if your smile has more than one blemish. Fortunately, there’s a way to conceal all of them at once! Dental veneers can hide them behind their thin, porcelain profiles. Once these shell-like cosmetics are adhered to the front face of your affected teeth, the only thing onlookers will see is a seamless, dazzling row of pearly whites.
SureSmile Gracefully Straightens
Crooked teeth may not cast shadows over your appearance, but they can contribute to a cluttered, diminutive style. Traditional braces can rewind the clock too far by evoking memories of adolescence. Clear aligner solutions such as SureSmile, on the other hand, can achieve flawless dental results while remaining practically invisible.
Undecided? Try A Smile Design Consultation
With so many dental cosmetic treatment options, you might be unsure which ones will best suit your vision. It’s hard to know what’s realistic without years and years of dental training. Luckily, you already know someone who has that experience!
Your dentist can help you flesh out your dental enhancement plan through a smile design consultation. They’ll examine your oral situation, taking detailed note of every tooth that falls short of your cosmetic expectations. They could recommend one or more treatment plans, but either way, the decision will come down to your sensibilities. Pay close attention to their educated advice, and you’ll be sure to achieve the age-defying results you desire!
About the Author
Dr. Evan Pedersen earned his dental degree from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. His cosmetic dentistry skills are as impressive as his alma mater, and he continuously explores new ways to revolutionize dentistry. Whatever form your treatment plan takes, Dr. Pedersen will provide you with a one-of-a-kind, comfortable care experience and smile results you’ll fall in love with! To contact his office, call 512-777-0866.